Technical information

This website contains a large amount of data, so for optimum reproduction of all animated sequences, functions and content you will require:

  • a stable internet connection,

  • the latest version of your internet browser.

For best results, we recommend the use of the browsers Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.


  • Close-up: Click on this activity symbol to open a lightbox containing more detailed information in picture and text form.

  • Picture gallery: Click on this activity symbol to open a picture gallery with captions.

  • Video: Click on this activity symbol to play a video.

  • Microphone: Click on this activity symbol to start an audio file.

  • Embedded slider: Watch an automatic slide show here. The slides change automatically, there is no need to click on them. Pause the slide show by holding your cursor on the picture you want to see, which will then stop. To restart the slide show, simply move your cursor to somewhere outside the picture.

  • Vertical arrow: Click on this activity symbol to navigate up and down through the individual sections of the five Stages.

  • horizontal arrow: Click on this activity symbol to navigate left or right through the five different Stages. Follow the same principle to navigate through “The world without iwis”.

  • Screen: Click on this activity symbol to return to the overview page of the respective Stage.

  • The world without iwis: the name says it all. Click on this symbol to access “The world without iwis”. Use the activity symbol “The first 100 years” to return to the Stages overview.

  • Flags: Click on this activity symbol to select the language mode for the page. You can choose between the German or English version.